Friday, November 7, 2008

"Out of many, we are one."

I am beginning this blog on a day that I have very little to say. Conversations the last several weeks have been dominated by U.S. politics and the election of a new president. Naturally, my opinion has been in overdrive, and today, I apparently ran out of gas. 

As I sat here and thought about what to write, my mind took me back to politics. Well, not exactly. I sat in bed last night and read, once again, Barack Obama's acceptance speech. While I realize many are still unhappy about America's choice, I find it hard to not have a sense of hope and faith after hearing him speak. I wish other people could accept the decision for what it is, and hear the same thing I did. 

" reclaim the American dream and reaffirm the fundamental truth that, out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes we can."

My faith in Barack Obama lies in his ability to see the reality of America as it stands right now. Sure, some of his views and ideas are off base. But I stand by the fact that no person, and certainly no president, can please all of the people all of the time. 

As this quote points out, and why it stands out to me, American people have lost the idea of "team." I notice this daily with the people around me. At some point, our society has begun to instill the idea of looking out for ourselves, and only ourselves. It has become a means of survival in the real world. "Trust no one but yourself." Growing up, this was never a lesson taught to my siblings and I. In fact, we have always been taught to sympathize, put ourselves in others shoes, help those in need of help. America has grown selfish and forgotten that even though we are all individuals, we are searching for the same things. Happiness, prosperity, security, good health, etc. 

This post has no real purpose. No summary or conclusion. Merely thoughts and a hope that America will get back on track.  A dream that Americans will begin uniting for the common good. Listening to opinions but accepting reality. Making the best out of a situation and having faith in a positive outcome. Helping people who need help. Giving more than taking. Believing in "Yes We Can" instead of always using "I." 

